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гражданский оборотstresses
gen. traffic (1. the coming and going of persons, vehicles, ships, aeroplanes, etc., along a way of passage or travel: an area of high traffic. 2. viewed collectively, the persons, vehicles, etc., going along such a way, especially vehicles travelling along a road: heavy traffic in the street. 3. the transportation of goods for the purpose of trade, by sea or land: ships of traffic. 4. trade; buying and selling; commercial dealings. 5. trade between different countries or places; commerce. 6. the business done by a railway or other carrier in the transportation of goods or passengers. 7. the aggregate of goods, passengers, telephone messages, etc., handled, especially in a given period. 8. trade or dealing in some commodity or thing, often trade of an illicit kind. 9. dealings or exchanges of anything between parties, people, etc. MD Alexander Demidov); stream of commerce (if a corporation delivers its products into the stream of commerce with the expectation that its products will be purchased by consumers in the forum state, courts in the forum state may have adequate personal jurisdiction over the corporation in product liability cases. uslegal.com Alexander Demidov)
law civil circulation; negotiation; civil-law transactions (из перевода ГК РФ grafleonov); business; civil transactions (Lavrov); civil commerce (Translation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Tayafenix)
police civilian circulation (To distinguish from military sales or DoD Circulation:Типы и виды оружия, разрешенные к гражданскому обороту. United Nations ... Controls for the brokering of civilian- circulation weapons were established in 2002 or this one: There are weapons in civilian circulation today that would make World War II commanders green with envy. Alex Lilo); civil sales (Alex Lilo)
гражданский оборот: 33 phrases in 5 subjects