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gen. highly likely (Vadim Rouminsky)
вероятнее всего
gen. in all likelihood (almost certainly: " In all likelihood everything will go to plan. CALD Alexander Demidov); it's most likely (It’s most likely it was a pedophile hiding in the bush. Wrong place, wrong time. Poor kid. ART Vancouver)
inf. chances are (Баян)
law most probably (Leonid Dzhepko); in all probability (Leonid Dzhepko); most likely (Leonid Dzhepko); more likely than not (From Klimzo Ru-En More likely than not, these retrofitting costs are way out of proportion to the four to six dollars per lb of steam value. Alexander Demidov); chances are better than even that (вероятнее всего см. тж. по всей вероятности Х Differentiation will most likely (or most probably) be accomplished electronically. Х Metal-nonmetal combinations are most likely to be ionic. Х The chances are better than even that the photon will scatter out of the central crystal. Zimmerman Alexander Demidov)
 Russian thesaurus
вероятнее всего
gen. наиболее вероятно (Andrey Truhachev)
вероятней всего: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Oil and gas1