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в качестве
 в качестве
gen. in the capacity; in; by way of; in requital; in the capacity of
busin. in capacity of
energ.ind. in the capacity of
lat. qua
Makarov. under the character of
math. in place of
| равноправного
gen. full fledged
| участника
corp.gov. member
| или
tech. ditto
| на
gen. on
| других
gen. other
| условиях
cables condition
| которые
gen. who
| определёны для
 определёны для
product. specified for
| каждого из
 каждый из
gen. each several
- only individual words found

to phrases
в качествеstresses
gen. in the capacity (of); in (kee46); by way of (+ gen.); in requital something (за что-либо); in the capacity of (+ gen.); in the quality; in the function of (Hand Grenade); in lieu of (в знач. "взамен") Most modern couples prefer to ask for money in lieu of a wedding gift.); as (to appear as Hamlet – выступить в роли Гамлета; to work as a teacher – работать преподавателем); as (союз I. Havkin); in one's capacity as (LadaP); as a; in capacity of (чего-л.)
Gruzovik in the capacity of
busin. in capacity of
context. as a form of (ВосьМой)
econ. acting as (работать; к-либо); in the capacity of (работать; к-либо)
energ.ind. in the capacity of (напр., чего-либо или кого-либо)
formal as being (unless ABC specifies another date as being the Effective Date ART Vancouver)
lat. qua
Makarov. under the character of; as far as (sophieAH); in the way of (sophieAH)
math. in place of (let us take x in place of y)
media. as; by way of
offic. in one's capacity as (igisheva)
product. in capacity (Yeldar Azanbayev)
relig. qua (Latin for "which way, as")
в качестве равноправного участника или на других условиях, которые определёны для каждого из: 1 phrase in 1 subject