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noun | verb | to phrases
whup! [wʌp] nstresses
gen. опа! (sever_korrespondent); вот так! (sever_korrespondent)
whup [wʌp] v
amer. избить (to beat someone Taras); побить (Taras); выпороть (to hit someone and hurt them very badly, especially using something such as a belt: I'm gonna whup you if you don't stop carrying on – Я тебя выпорю, если будешь баловаться Taras); побеждать (I'm gonna whup your ass (=defeat you very easily) Taras); выигрывать (to defeat sb easily in a game, a fight, an election, etc. Taras); отшлёпать (alternative to whip. Mainly used by the school of people who use "thang" instead of thing; Meaning to whip, to kick ass, to beat someone Taras)
slang побить (кого-либо Interex); отшлёпать (кого-либо Interex)
 English thesaurus
whup [wʌp] n
amer. whip (главным образом в южных штатах Huckaedlo)
whup: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
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