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undocumented immigrantstresses
gen. незарегистрированный иммигрант (grigoriy_m); нелегальный иммигрант ("Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a meth dealer an undocumented pharmacist" – Theoretically yes, but "illegal alien" is not a technical term – it's the popularly used jargon, nowhere found in the U.S. immigration laws. In that case "undocumented immigrant" is the same as "unauthorized immigrant" and "illegal immigrant", i.e. a foreign-born person who doesn't have a legal right to be or remain in the country Taras)
law иммигрант, живущий без документов на право проживания в стране (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
sec.sys. иммигрант без вида на жительство (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); незаконный иммигрант (Alex_Odeychuk)