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throw someone under the bus
idiom. поставити у незручне становище (to expose someone to an unpleasant fate, esp in order to save oneself: The manager threw her assistant under the bus, claiming he didn’t carry on instructions she had given him. She was lying, of course. collinsdictionary.com bojana); підставити під удар (to do something harmful to someone else in order to gain an advantage for yourself: I'm not going to throw my friend under the bus for something he did 25 years ago cambridge.org bojana); зрадити (blame or abandon a person for selfish reasons: But David couldn't throw his own team under the bus wikipedia.org bojana); перекласти провину (to criticize, blame, or punish (someone in a vulnerable position) especially in order to avoid blame or gain an advantage: If congressional hearings begin, he said, "several guys expect to be thrown under the bus" merriam-webster.com bojana); пожертвувати (sacrifice someone else's interests for your own personal gain: Rather than blame the entire baseball team for its losing season, the team’s owner just “threw the manager under the bus” and fired him idiomsandslang.com bojana); підставити (to betray someone by putting them in harm's way in order to benefit ourselves: I’m still trying to recover professionally from the time my coworker threw me under the bus writingtips.org bojana); перекласти відповідальність (to blame or abandon someone for selfish reasons, typically to avoid blame or gain an advantage: I absolutely hate that new guy at work. He always tries to look good in front of the boss by throwing his colleagues under the bus nosweatshakespeare.com bojana)
inf. кинути під автобус (калька з англійської зі значенням "підставити когось", "поставити когось у незручне становище": ви не можете кинути цвою сім'ю під автобус у такому драматичному стилі, а потім написати про це книги та очікувати, що вас запросять на Різдво lux.fm, collinsdictionary.com bojana)