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success story [sək'ses'stɔ:rɪ]stresses
gen. история успеха; история восхождения человека от бедности и безвестности к богатству и славе; пример успеха (uchebnik.online Tanya Gesse); показательный пример (someone or something that is a success story is very successful, often unexpectedly or in spite of unfavourable conditions ⇒ Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s. Example Sentences: We'd be sorry, because it's a little success story, but we'd understand. Davis, John Gordon Seize the Reckless Wind My life, for what it'd been, wasn't exactly a success story. James Birrell THE MANANA MAN (2002) Later on, after she'd heard my success story, Avril was putty in my hands. Laurie Graham MR STARLIGHT (2004). CEDT Alexander Demidov); история человека, которому повезло (часто о бедняке, пробившем себе дорогу в жизни); счастливая история (bigmaxus)
comp., MS история успеха (An account of an individual or organization's business achievements)
HR история карьерного успеха (Alex_Odeychuk); история восхождения наверх (Alex_Odeychuk); история продвижения по карьерной лестнице (Alex_Odeychuk)
rhetor. история пути наверх (Alex_Odeychuk)
success stories
med. истории успеха
success story: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Contextual meaning1