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spadiceous [spei'diʃəs] adj.stresses
gen. коричневый; гнедой
biotechn. каштановый
bot. початковый; початковидный; початкообразный; початочный; имеющий початок
Gruzovik, bot. початковидный (bearing flowers on or constituting a spadix [a fleshy clublike spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheathlike spathe, characteristic of aroid plants such as the jack-in-the-pulpit]); початкообразный (= початковидный; bearing flowers on or constituting a spadix [a fleshy clublike spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheathlike spathe, characteristic of aroid plants such as the jack-in-the-pulpit]); початочный (bearing flowers on or constituting a spadix [a fleshy clublike spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheathlike spathe, characteristic of aroid plants such as the jack-in-the-pulpit])