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separate legal personalitystresses
gen. самостоятельная правосубъектность (Roman_Kiba); самостоятельность правосубъектности (independent existence under the law, especially in the context of a company being separate and distinct from its owners: One of the main advantages of the company structure is the limitation of liability that the separate legal personality gives to the members. Phrase Bank ⃝ The benefits associated with separate legal personality are available in a partnership. ⃝ The principle of separate legal personality is applied to subsidiary companies. ⃝ Separate legal personality is granted as a privilege by the state. ⃝ to have separate legal personality Additional Notes ⃝ The separate legal entity forms the basis for limited liability of shareholders. Shareholders' liability is limited to the nominal value (=the value assigned to a share as of the time shares are issued) of the shares allotted to them. ⃝ Separate legal personality means that a company has perpetual succession (=the quality which allows a corporation to continue in existence and manage its affairs over time without having to transfer property on each change of ownership amongst its members). Its legal existence survives its shareholders and directors. Its existence is ended when it is liquidated (=its assets are sold and its debts are paid before any surplus is distributed to the shareholders) in accordance with the Companies Acts. TED Alexander Demidov)
law обособленная правосубъектность (Alexander Matytsin); самостоятельное юридическое лицо (Alexander Matytsin)
UN независимая правосубъектность (un.org kurzova)