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run into the groundstresses
gen. совершенно измочалить себя (работой, спортом и т. п.); окончательно испортить нечто (Old Finger); измотать (кого-либо)
inf. заездить (to use something so much that it does not work any more: I gave that car to my son and he ran it into the ground. It was a funny joke the first time he told it, but he ran it into the ground. Bullfinch); сгубить (to cause something to become less successful: Unless she gets some help, she will probably run her business into the ground. Bullfinch)
proverb хватить через край
run something into the ground
gen. доводить до ручки (бизнес: Personally I think Ms. Laura should get a job at another shop and let the owner run this one into the ground – by a Brides of California customer Tamerlane)
run into the ground: 16 phrases in 4 subjects