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rich site summarystresses
progr. протокол передачи оперативных сводок новостей пользователям Internet (ssn); протокол RSS (ssn); оперативная сводка новостей (ssn)
Rich Site Summary
gen. обогащённая сводка сайта (wikipedia.org Yanick)
 English thesaurus
Rich Site Summary
abbr. RSS (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS Yanick)
comp., MS RSS (An XML-based syndication technology that enables websites to distribute content, such as news headlines and blog posts, effeciently to readers)
IT, abbr. RSS (XML)
Rich Site Summary An XML-based syndication technology that enables websites to distribute content, such as news headlines and blog posts, effeciently to readers
abbr., comp., MS RSS (Rich Site Summary)