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preventorium ['prɪven'tɔ:rɪəm] nstresses
construct. профилакторий; лечебно-профилактическое здание
hist. изолятор для больных туберкулёзом (4uzhoj); изолятор для больных чахоткой (4uzhoj); превенторий; профилакторий (A preventorium was an institution or building for patients infected with tuberculosis who did not yet have an active form of the disease. Popular in the early 20th century, preventoria were designed to isolate these patients from uninfected individuals as well as patients who showed outward symptoms. george serebryakov); превенторий (изолятор для больных туберкулёзом (не путать с профилакторием!) см. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventorium)
preventorium: 1 phrase in 1 subject