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openings ceremonystresses
dipl. торжественное открытие
opening ceremony [ˈəupəniŋ ˈseriməni]
gen. шоу открытия (An opening ceremony can be the official opening of either a building or an event. Opening ceremonies at large events such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, and the Rugby World Cup each have an opening ceremony that involves thousands of participants and is watched worldwide. Smaller ones that involve the opening of a new building–like a school or library or even a small shop–are opened by a guest and usually only attended by family and/or friends. WK Alexander Demidov)
busin. церемония открытия
O&G торжественное открытие (объекта)
Opening Ceremony [ˈəupəniŋ ˈseriməni]
energ.ind. церемония открытия (напр., конференции)