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opening timesstresses
gen. часы работы (For patients who work full time and find it difficult to make an appointment with the doctor during normal surgery hours, we have extended our opening hours. VLZ_58); рабочее время (Amelia's doctor's number was there too and the surgery opening times , just in case. Cathy Kelly JUST BETWEEN US (2002) Each booth in the Vienna Prater is an independent enterprise so there's no general admission charge – and no uniform opening times. THE MERCURY, SUNDAY TASMANIAN (2004) Eccentric opening times so check with the tourist office for latest details. Jepson, Tim UMBRIA – THE GREEN HEART OF ITALY For show details including opening times , ticket prices, floor plans, and list of exhibitors click here. YACHTING BOATING WORLD (2004) Other changes include reduced opening times for the museum's first-floor restaurant, Agora, and the historic Grange House. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) Why couldn't the filming be done outside the crematorium's normal opening times? SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001) Yesterday's pullout also contains the opening times and website addresses for all three venues. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2000) (Collins) Alexander Demidov)
mil. сроки развёртывания (напр., пунктов снабжения)
opening time ['əup(ə)nɪŋtaɪm]
gen. время открытия (магазинов, кафе и т.п.); рабочее время (1) N-UNCOUNT: also the N You can refer to the time that a shop, bank, library, or bar opens for business as its opening time. Shoppers began arriving long before the 10am opening time. 2) N-PLURAL The opening times of a place such as a shop, a restaurant, or a museum is the period during which it is open. Ask the local tourist office about opening times. Syn: opening hours (CCB) Alexander Demidov); время открытия (магазинов, кафе); начало продажи спиртных напитков (в ресторанах, кафе)
auto. время открытия
automat. собственное время отключения (напр., контактного аппарата); время размыкания (напр., реле); время отключения (Yeldar Azanbayev)
econ. время открытия (магазина и т.п.)
el. собственное время отключения
law время открытия (магазина и т. д.); час, когда начинается продажа спиртных напитков
railw. время срабатывания
tech. собственное время (отключения); время раскрытия (парашюта); время размыкания
opening times: 18 phrases in 11 subjects
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Electrical engineering1
Energy industry1
Hydraulic engineering1