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minimum balancesstresses
gen. неснижаемые остатки (DEFINITION of "Minimum Balance' The minimum dollar amount that a customer must have in an account in order to receive some sort of service, such as keeping the account open or receive interest. There can be more than one minimum balance for the same account. For example, a lower balance may be required to keep the account open, while a higher balance can get fees waived or increase the rate of interest paid into the account. INVESTOPEDIA EXPLAINS 'Minimum Balance" Accounts that fall below the minimum balance may be assessed fees, denied interest payments or closed or penalized in some other fashion. The minimum balance may be an average balance or the actual dollar balance in the account. Different banks measure and enforce the minimum balance in different ways. Read more: investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
minimum balance
gen. неуменьшаемый остаток (The minimum amount a bank or other financial institution requires a customer to maintain in his or her account. The institution can set a minimum balance level for any of its accounts, and this amount will vary by institution. Usually, if the required minimum balance is not maintained, the customer is charged various fees for failing to meet the requirements. investorwords.com Alexander Demidov); бесплатный остаток (Alexander Demidov)
EBRD неснижаемый остаток (страховой депозит); страховой депозит (неснимаемый остаток)
SAP.fin. минимальный остаток
minimum balances: 18 phrases in 8 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Information technology2