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metastasize [mə'tæstəˌsaiz] vstresses
fig. ухудшиться (Taras); принять опасный вид (Taras); распространиться в новые места (to spread; to deteriorate, to spread into new areas: Street gangs have metastasized in our city Taras); распространиться в новые области (Taras); становиться обширнее (Taras); принять опасную форму (The KGB metastasized after the fall of the Soviet Union; Truth metastasized into lurid fantasy Taras)
fig.of.sp. распространяться (e.g. The tactic of getting arrested at monthly meetings – dubbed Strategy 31 by Mr. Limonov – appears to have metastasized to other cities in Russia. ybelov); перерастать (There was probably some nervous laughter, confusion, a bit of comforting chatter with seatmates, followed by a brief period in which anxiety had not yet metastasized into terror. VLZ_58); переходить (VLZ_58)
Makarov. давать метастазы
med. метастазировать; распространяться по телу (The lesion already had metastasized beyond the larynx before a diagnosis of carcinoma was made. Taras)
metastasize: 4 phrases in 2 subjects