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litigant in personstresses
busin. истец лично (A person who starts or defends a case without legal representation. Such a person is entitled to be accompanied by another person who may advise them, but may not address the court. LT Alexander Demidov)
law лицо, участвующее в деле без представителя (ст.48 ГПК РФ cyruss); лицо, ведущее дело в суде лично (cyruss); истец (выступающий в суде сам за себя (pro se), без адвоката; a person who represents himself or herself at court, and is not represented by a qualified lawyer: Mr Holmes, who appeared as a litigant in person, was disappointed but not surprised by the decision; When you have a litigant in person, it's often a much slower process; Am. E. pro se, Brit. E. personal litigant; тж. см. pro se defendant Taras)