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lighting fixturesstresses
gen. осветительная техника (Alexander Demidov)
construct. светотехнические изделия
law осветительные средства (Alexander Demidov)
O&G, oilfield. осветительная арматура
transp. осветительная аппаратура
lighting fixture
gen. единица светового оборудования (or light fixture. Complete lighting unit, consisting of one or more lamps (bulbs or tubes that emit light), along with the socket and other parts that hold the lamp in place and protect it, wiring that connects the lamp to a power source, and a reflector that helps direct and distribute the light. Fluorescent fixtures usually have lenses or louvers to shield the lamp (thus reducing glare) and redirect the light emitted. Luminaires include both portable and ceiling-or wall-mounted fixtures. BCE Alexander Demidov); осветительный прибор (Alexander Demidov); электроосветительный прибор (Alexander Demidov)
electr.eng. осветительный прибор светильник
furn. люстра (Large open spaces with high ceilings are perfect for using large, dramatic lighting fixtures. ART Vancouver)
law прибор освещения (Alexander Demidov)
mil., tech. светильники
tech. осветительная арматура; светильник
lighting fixtures: 66 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Electrical engineering17
Rail transport1
Uncommon / rare1