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gorge oneself onstresses
gen. наедаться (чем-либо); объедаться (чем-либо, тж. без "oneself" || To eat something eagerly and usually to excess; to stuff oneself with something.: I didn't mean to gorge myself on cake at the party—it was just so good! • Don't gorge yourself on the snacks. Dinner is in ten minutes. • A morbidly obese wild monkey who gorged himself on junk food and soda left behind by tourists has been rescued and placed on a strict diet ... thefreedictionary.com)
Gruzovik, inf. нажраться (pf of нажираться)
idiom. есть в три горла (VLZ_58)
gorge oneself on something
gen. объесться чем-либо (Franka_LV)
Makarov. наедаться (чего-либо); объедаться (чем-либо – also "gorge on something": Some of the best charcuterie comes from this area, where wild pigs have gorged themselves on the fallen chestnuts. • At 6pm, gorged myself on some rather fatty belly of pork. • Sofia watched the plates swap out before her as those around her gorged themselves on gourmet dishes she'd only seen on TV. yourdictionary.com)
 English thesaurus
gorge oneself on
gorge on (To eat something eagerly and usually to excess; to stuff oneself with something.: I didn't mean to gorge on cake like that—it was just so good that I kept going back for more!)
gorge oneself on: 3 phrases in 1 subject