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ftw abbr.stresses
inet. выигрышный вариант (for the win Capital); рулит (The search option ftw – поиск рулит bajituka)
FTW abbr.
OHS Fitness to work, профпригодность (e.g. FTW health check – профосмотр Russos)
 English thesaurus
FTW abbr.
abbr. For The Week; Federation of Telephone Workers; Fuck The World
abbr., avia. Meacham Field, Ft. Worth, Texas USA; fighter tactical wing
abbr., el. for the warrior
abbr., inet. For The Win
abbr., insur. Free trade wharf
abbr., IT File Tree Walk
abbr., med. Fast-twitch White (skeletal Muscle)
abbr., mil. Feel The Wrath
abbr., mil., WMD Fort Wainwright AK
abbr., tradem. Fashion The World
mil. flying training wing
tech. forward traveling wave