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ewe lambstresses
gen. овечка; ярочка
affect. малышка ('To him, Bertram was a creature of the underworld who stole bags and umbrellas and, what made it worse, didn't even steal them well. No father likes to see his ewe lamb on chummy terms with such a one.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver); крошка ('To him, Bertram was a creature of the underworld who stole bags and umbrellas and, what made it worse, didn't even steal them well. No father likes to see his ewe lamb on chummy terms with such a one.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
agric. ярочка в возрасте до отбивки; ярочка в возрасте до отъёма
Gruzovik, agric. ярочка
relig. единственное сокровище (A single possession greatly prized. 2Sm:12:l-14)
zoot. ярка
one's ewe lamb
gen. единственное дитя; единственное сокровище
ewe-lamb ['ju:læm]
gen. овечка; ярочка
ewe lamb: 16 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Figure of speech1