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dense foreststresses
gen. пуща (Anglophile); густой лес; частый лес; дремучий лес (из англояз. источника: They made eye contact for a few moments. He says they looked at each other eye to eye! But that it made no sound nor did it make any threatening move toward the young boy. It simply walked slowly off into the dense forest. As it walked away he could then tell it was covered entirely with long solid white hair. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver); чаща
Gruzovik дебри
biol. глухой лес
Gruzovik, dial. дром; тайбола
Gruzovik, forestr. частый лес
Gruzovik, inf. глушник (= глушняк); глушняк; густняк
inf., dial. глушняк
uncom. сузём (Супру)
wood. густой лес (washingtonpost.com Alex_Odeychuk)
dense forest: 10 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Uncommon / rare1