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country placestresses
gen. загородное имение (контекстуально: On April 26, 1698, Peter I called the leading Russians to his country place, Preobrazhenskoye, and told them they had to conform to Western custom by shaving off their beards. With his own hand Peter gave his noblemen's whiskers a rough-cut. time.com 'More); загородный дом (контекстуально – фраза имеет достаточно размытую семантику, поэтому может использоваться и в более широком значении, типа "загородное имение" и пр.: In December 1941 he was put on a pension and retired to his country place at Grasse, near Cannes, France. • Robert was an usher at the Exchequer, and he prided himself on keeping a paternal eye on the clerks and often invited them home to his houseful of daughters in Westminster, and sometimes to his country place in Buckinghamshire.)
Gruzovik дачная местность
country place: 9 phrases in 5 subjects