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cost competitivenessstresses
gen. конкурентоспособность затрат (Our survey revealed that top-performing companies are building flexibility into all aspects of their business to achieve the cost competitiveness they need. | The new BCG Global Manufacturing Cost-Competitiveness Index tracks changes in direct manufacturing costs among the world's leading ... | The Cost competitiveness of fuel sources is a measure of whether or not particular fuel sources are cost competitive in the energy market, and is a primary factor ... WK Alexander Demidov)
bank. ценовая конкурентоспособность; конкурентоспособность
econ. конкурентоспособность, основанная на более низких издержках производства (STRATFOR; контекстуальный перевод Alex_Odeychuk); ценовое конкурентное преимущество (Андрей Болотов)
Cost competitiveness
econ. стоимостная конкурентоспособность (Artemie)