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cojones [/kəˈhoʊˌneɪs/, /-niːz/] nstresses
have no cojones
span.-am., fig. мужество (ср. англ. have balls: You have no "cojones" to speak the truth and do what's right. • He had no cojones to stand and trade like a real man. shilwara); решимость (ср. англ. have balls shilwara); дерзость (ср. англ. have balls shilwara); смелость (ср. англ. have balls: Rutgers is looking at an Edsall-esque reunion, and have no cojones to step up to his personality cult. • I as a player can just assume that the des don't know how to repair it and they have no cojones to admit it. 4uzhoj)
span.-am., rude яйца (shilwara)
cojones: 9 phrases in 1 subject