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close ranksstresses
gen. сплачиваться (1. to move closer together in a military formation. The soldiers closed ranks and marched on the enemy in tight formation. 2. to join with someone in a cause, or agreement. We can fight this menace only if we close ranks. Let's all close ranks with Ann and adopt her suggestions. 3.if members of a group close ranks, they publicly show that they support each other, especially when people outside of the group are criticizing them Usage notes: If soldiers close ranks, they move closer together so that it is more difficult to go past them. In the past, the party would have closed ranks around its leader and defended him loyally against his critics. 4. to show support for other members of your group Dale urged his former rivals to close ranks behind his candidacy. FD Alexander Demidov); сплачивать ряды; смыкать шеренги; смыкаться; сплачиваться (1. to move closer together in a military formation. The soldiers closed ranks and marched on the enemy in tight formation. 2. to join with someone in a cause, or agreement. We can fight this menace only if we close ranks. Let's all close ranks with Ann and adopt her suggestions. 3.if members of a group close ranks, they publicly show that they support each other, especially when people outside of the group are criticizing them Usage notes: If soldiers close ranks, they move closer together so that it is more difficult to go past them. In the past, the party would have closed ranks around its leader and defended him loyally against his critics. 4. to show support for other members of your group Dale urged his former rivals to close ranks behind his candidacy. FD – АД)
fig. сомкнуться
Makarov. сомкнуть ряды; сплотиться; сплотить ряды; сплачивать свои ряды
mil. подтянись! (команда)
close ranks!
mil. команда "сомкнись" (come closer together in a line Val_Ships); подтянись! (команда)
close ranks around someone
inf. сплотиться (вокруг кого-либо Val_Ships)
close one's ranks
Makarov. сплотить свои ряды
close ranks: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Figure of speech1