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SIC [sɪk] abbr.
abbr., avia. science information center; security intelligence corp; selected item configuration; software integration center; steady initial climb; system integration center; system interfaces change
abbr., el. satellite interface controller; saturation-induced crosstalk; selectively implanted collector; selectively ion-implanted collector process; self-interaction correction; send interface clear; simulated input control; single input change; small instructional computer; smart interface card; social implications of computer; software integrated construction; SONET interface card; special interest committee; standard integrated component; State Information Center; surface-induced crystallization; system integrated center
abbr., med. serum insulin concentration
abbr., med., fr. Société Internationale de Chirurgie
SiC [sɪk] abbr.
abbr. silicon carbide
β-SiC abbr.
abbr., el. cubic silicon carbide
SiC [sɪk] abbr.
abbr., soil. silty clay
α-SiC abbr.
abbr., el. amorphous silicon carbide
SICS abbr.
abbr. Swedish Institute of Computer Sciences (organization, Schweden); Siemens Integrated Control System wind power (beepbeep)
abbr., el. ships integrated communications system; SECS based intelligent control system; securities industry communications system
abbr., med. small incision cataract surgery (harser)
abbr., oil shipboard inventory control system
abbr., scottish Ship Installed Chemical System (UK)
mil. shipboard intelligence collection equipment; submarine integrated combat system
tech. safety injection control system; secondary infrared calibration system