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abbreviation | noun
RFB abbr.stresses
bank. назначение платежа для получателя (Reference for the beneficiary customer .ehnne)
law, ADR запрос на предложения (IRFB (International Request For Bid); о заключении контракта Бойко Маринов)
oil функциональный блок высокой надёжности (reliability function block)
 English thesaurus
RFB abbr.
abbr., fishery regional fishery body
RFBs abbr.
abbr., fishery regional fishery body
RFB abbr.
abbr. Removed From Box; Request For Bid; Room Food And Beverage; Regimental Fund Board; Rick Fucking Berman
abbr., bank. Reference for Beneficiary (Natalya Rovina); request for bid (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Frame Buffer
abbr., el. radio frequency booster
abbr., health., med. Reflection Fluid By
abbr., IT Read From Buffer
abbr., math., scient. Random Field Bet
abbr., media. Radio Free Blogistan; Recording For the Blind
abbr., mus. Rockets Favorite Band
abbr., oil rectified feedback
mil. request for bid
tech. reliability function block