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Ino abbr.stresses
myth., gr.-rom. Ино (Левкофея collegia)
INO abbr.
med. ИНЗ (WiseSnake); межъядерная офтальмоплегия (inspirado)
 English thesaurus
Ino abbr.
abbr., life.sc. inosine
INO abbr.
abbr. Interns Nite Out; in name only (dict.cc Andrey Truhachev); inlet valve open
abbr., auto. inlet valve opening
abbr., avia. Inongo, Zaire; International NOTAM Operations
abbr., dig.curr. initial NFT offering (ВосьМой)
abbr., dril. inlet open
abbr., el. intelligence officer
abbr., IT In Not Of
abbr., med. Irish Nurses Organisation; internuclear ophthalmoplegia (inspirado)
abbr., media. Independent News Organisation; Independent News Organization
abbr., mil., avia. inquire
abbr., nautic., scient. Institute for Naval Oceanography
abbr., NGO independent non-for-profit organization (igisheva); independent non-profit organization (igisheva); independent nonprofit organization (igisheva)
mil. issue necessary orders; item number
InO abbr.
abbr., el. indium oxide
Ino: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
High energy physics4