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FRBs abbr.stresses
gen. быстрые радиовсплески (1 (astronomy) a tight band of radio-frequency waves that lasts only a millisecond, which packs the energy of millions of years of Solar output 2 (astronomy) by extension, an instance of one of the phenomena which generate such a burst 3 (astronomy) by extension, an object from which the phenomenon occurs: FRBs are one of the most tantalizing puzzles that the universe has thrown at scientists in recent years. First spotted in 2007, these powerful radio bursts are produced by energetic sources, though nobody is sure what those might be. FRBs are also mystifying because they can be either one-offs or "repeaters," meaning some bursts appear only once in a certain part of the sky, while others emit multiple flashes to Earth. wiktionary.org Alexander Demidov)
 English thesaurus
FRBS abbr.
abbr. Fellow of the Royal Botanic Society; Fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors; Frame Relay Bearer Service
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