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CIFC abbr.stresses
account. стоимость, страхование, фрахт и комиссия посредника (cost, insurance, freight and commission); сиф (cost , insurance, freight and commission)
dentist. вторичный клеточный фибриллярный цемент (MichaelBurov); вторичный клеточный волокнистый цемент (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
CIFC abbr.
abbr. Centre for Interfirm Comparisons (Vosoni)
abbr., avia. cost, insurance, freight, and charges; cost, insurance, freight, and commission
abbr., commer. CIF and commission
abbr., dentist. cellular intrinsic fiber cementum (MichaelBurov)
abbr., econ. cost,insurance,freight and commission
abbr., el. channel interface card
abbr., med. Council for Investigation of Fertility Controls
abbr., oil cost, insurance, freight and commision
abbr., physiol. Cellular Intrinsic Fiber Cementum
cifc abbr.
abbr. cost, insurance, freight and commission; cost, insurance, freight, commission