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BCRs abbr.stresses
ornit. Территории охраны птиц (Bird Conservation Regions; в Северной Америке nabci-us.org Indigirka)
 English thesaurus
BCR abbr.
abbr. benefit–cost ratio (A benefit-cost ratio (BCR) is an indicator, used in the formal discipline of cost-benefit analysis, that attempts to summarize the overall value for money of a project or proposal. A BCR is the ratio of the benefits of a project or proposal, expressed in monetary terms, relative to its costs, also expressed in monetary terms. All benefits and costs should be expressed in discounted present values. - WAD Alexander Demidov); benefit-cost ratio (A benefit-cost ratio (BCR) is an indicator, used in the formal discipline of cost-benefit analysis, that attempts to summarize the overall value for money of a project or proposal. A BCR is the ratio of the benefits of a project or proposal, expressed in monetary terms, relative to its costs, also expressed in monetary terms. All benefits and costs should be expressed in discounted present values. - WAD Alexander Demidov); binding corporate rules (Oksana-Ivacheva); B-cell receptor
abbr., avia. BOECOM change report
abbr., el. bar code recognition; basic circuit reliability; blanking control register; buffer counter reset; bus configuration register; bus control request
abbr., fin. benefit/cost ratio
abbr., IT byte counter register
abbr., med. B-cell small cell-lymphoma
abbr., mil. baseline change request
abbr., mil., avia. bar chart report
abbr., proj.manag. benefits-costs ratio
BCRs abbr.
law binding corporate rules (Kovrigin)
BCRS abbr.
abbr. Backcourse (MrBonD)
abbr., oil Netherlands Remote Sensing Board
abbr., space back course; Beleidscommissie Remote Sensing
BCRs: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Molecular genetics1