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cinema shazam (используется для выражения удивления, восхищения и т.д., а также выражения мгновенного завершения магического действия; the word "shazam" can function as an interjection or a noun. As an interjection, "shazam" is used to express sudden surprise, excitement, or the instantaneous completion of an action. It is often used in a comic book or superhero context, where it may represent the sound or effect of a sudden transformation or superpower being activated: He waved his wand and, shazam, the rabbit turned into a hat! • Shazam! The superhero swooped in to save the day! Taras); shazam (волшебное слово; as a noun, "shazam" can refer to a magical word or sound used to produce a sudden transformation or change, often in a fictional or fantastical context. It is also the name of a popular music recognition app that can identify songs based on their sound : The wizard uttered the word 'shazam' and transformed into a powerful sorcerer • I used Shazam to identify the song playing on the radio Taras)