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gen. there's a black sheep in every family
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gen. there's a black sheep in every family; accidents will happen; accidents will happen in the best regulated families; black sheep occur in all families; every family has a black sheep; there's a rotten apple in every barrel.
Gruzovik, proverb every family has its black sheep
proverb there is a black sheep in every flock; there is a black sheep in every fold; it is a small flock that has not a black sheep; many a good father hath but a bad son; many a good cow hath an evil calf; many a good cow hath an bad calf; there is a black sheep in every family; many a good cow has a bad calf (дословно: Плохие телята и от хороших коров родятся); many a good father has but a bad son (дословно: у многих хороших отцов плохие сыновья); no garden is without its weeds; there's a black sheep in every flock; there is one in every family (Technical)
slang bad egg (highbery)
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