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take tollstresses
gen. отрицательно сказываться (on – на q3mi4); отражаться (плохо; on – на q3mi4); нанести тяжёлый урон (cognachennessy); требовать жертв (cognachennessy); сделать своё дело (cognachennessy); наносить тяжёлый урон (чему-либо)
idiom. нанести удар по (в контексте: The war took a huge toll on the economy of the colonies. 4uzhoj); см. тж. take a toll on (Баян); плохо сказываться впоследствии (juliasky); сказаться (Баян); брать своё (Vadim Rouminsky); взимать дань (Vadim Rouminsky); сказываться (на ком-л.: These last weeks had taken toll of her. She had lost a little freshness which had always been her greatest charm Taras)
take one's toll
gen. брать своё например о возрасте (Dmitry1928); давать о себе знать (of age, illness Katrinka16)
idiom. не пройти даром (Last night I was at a binge with a bunch of people I'd never met before, and these things take their toll. – Такое не проходит даром ART Vancouver); отрицательно отразиться (on – на: There are currently about 4,000 Secret Service members, but in recent years there's been retention problems, which was unheard of in years past, he said. It used to be that "you either died or retired, and no one left," but things have really gone downhill in the organization since it was transferred from the Dept. of the Treasury over to Homeland Security--- there's been a lot of mismanagement and various scandals have taken their toll on the collective morale, he stated. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
take toll of something
Makarov. наносить тяжёлый урон (чему-либо)
 English thesaurus
take toll
idiom. take a toll on (Баян)
take toll: 36 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1