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shotgun marriagestresses
gen. вынужденная женитьба; брак поневоле; чтобы "покрыть грех"; брак по беременности (Andrey Truhachev); вынужденный союз (An agreement or compromise made through necessity (see examples). This expression alludes to a marriage precipitated by a woman's pregnancy, causing her father to point a literal or figurative gun at the responsible man's head. Its figurative use dates from the mid-1900s.: Since neither side won a majority, the coalition government was obviously a shotgun wedding. || The committee was created through a shotgun wedding between the community relations commission and the race relations board.)
amer., inf. вынужденный брак
slang брак "по залёту" (Unarmed)
USA насильственный брак (Yeldar Azanbayev)
vulg. брак, заключаемый по требованию родителей девушки, когда они узнают, что она состоит в половой связи с мужчиной и / или беременна
 English thesaurus
shotgun marriage
forced marriage; compulsory marriage; forcible wedlock
shotgun marriage: 1 phrase in 1 subject