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quater in diestresses
med., lat. четыре раза в день (Quater in die (on prescription): Seen on a prescription, qid (or q.i.d.) means 4 times a day (from the Latin quater in die). The abbreviation qid or q.i.d. is also sometimes written without a period in capital letters as "QID". However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken. Vosoni)
 English thesaurus
quater in die
abbr., med. qid (Latin Vosoni)
Quater In Die
abbr., med. QID (four times a day)
IT, abbr. QID (four times a day, Medicine)
med., abbr. QID (Four Times a Day)
oncol., abbr. QID (Four times a day)
physiol., abbr. QID (Four Times Daily)