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off the top of one's headstresses
gen. первое, что приходит в голову (Ideally, one would wish to explore them through a series of depth interviews extending over several months, rather than by a brief survey interview, which necessarily tends to elicit responses off the top of one's head. Vonbuffon); не раздумывая (He answered the questions off the top of his head); импровизированный; экспромтом; наугад (Anglophile); с ходу (Anglophile); без размышлений (Liv Bliss); по памяти (based on what you remember: Oh, I don't have my stuff with me, and I don't know her work phone number off the top of my head. Баян); так сразу (с ходу, без подготовки: I wouldn't be able to tell you that off the top of my head. 4uzhoj); наобум
busin. не задумываясь; навскидку
idiom. спонтанно (george serebryakov); сразу (VLZ_58); без подготовки (I wouldn't be able to tell you that off the top of my head. ART Vancouver)
inf. с кондачка (не вникнув в суть дела, легкомысленно, несерьезно Anglophile)
right off the top of one's head
gen. особо не задумываясь (Artjaazz)
off the top of head: 44 phrases in 5 subjects