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verb | adjective
niggle ['nɪg(ə)l] vstresses
gen. заниматься пустяками; возиться (с чем-либо); крохоборствовать; размениваться на мелочи; одурачивать; обманывать; одурачить; обмануть; придираться по мелочам; приставать; надоедать; пристать; критиковать; надувать; раздражать; суетиться; изводить; смеяться над (чем-л.); издеваться над (чем-л.)
fig. не оставлять (cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: "a suspicion niggled at the back of her mind" (Oxford Dictionary): A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver); не давать покоя (cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: "a suspicion niggled at the back of her mind" (Oxford Dictionary): A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
inf. придираться по пустякам
obs. ёрзать
niggled ['nɪg(ə)ld] adj.
gen. замысловатый