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land of Nodstresses
fig. сонное царство
humor. сонное царство (Anglophile)
Makarov. царство сна
Land of Nod
bible.term. земля Нод (The land to which Cain was exiled after he had slain Abel. Gn:4:16)
furn. "Лэнд ов Нод" (Название сети магазинов детской мебели и т.д. для детей. The Land of Nod is a catalog, internet and retail store company, based in Morton Grove, Illinois, specializing in children's furniture, bedding and accessories. The company designs the majority of their items themselves. С апреля 2018 г. называется Crate and Kids. VLZ_58)
relig. земля на восток от Едема
land of Nod: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Figure of speech2
Humorous / Jocular1