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kick it up a notchstresses
inf. переплюнуть всех ("Longtime Vancouver matchmaker Susan Seminew said women are naturally more picky than men, but "Vancouver women have kicked it up a notch." She's seen women who obsess over a partner's looks, height and income. Some have illusions of nabbing a tall, dark Prince Charming, and have unrealistic expectations." (The Province) ART Vancouver); придать остроту (VLZ_58); выйти на качественно новый уровень (Laura was enjoying her carefree, single life but decided to "take it up a notch" and have children. VLZ_58); придать пикантность (to make something more exciting, intense, or interesting, as a food dish or a social gathering. kick it up a notch with fresh garlic. VLZ_58)
slang вывести на следующий уровень (skybug)