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keep your eyes openstresses
gen. будь начеку! (Aspect); смотри в оба (4uzhoj)
fig.of.sp. держи ухо востро (SergeiAstrashevsky)
idiom. будьте бдительны (for someone, something: Notice to Blueridge residents: During the holiday season, keep your eyes open for parcel thieves stealing packages left at your door by couriers. Two cases have already been reported to the police. ART Vancouver); проявляйте бдительность (for someone, something: Notice to Blueridge residents: During the holiday season, keep your eyes open for parcel thieves stealing packages left at your door by couriers. Two cases have already been reported to the police. ART Vancouver)
inf. поосторожнее там (4uzhoj)
product. будьте внимательны! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep your eyes open!
gen. не зевай!
Gruzovik, inf. не зевай!
keep your eyes open: 2 phrases in 2 subjects