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contributory liabilitystresses
gen. дополнительная ответственность (Субсидиарная ответственность (от лат. subsidiarus – резервный, вспомогательный) – 1) право взыскания неполученного долга с другого обязанного лица, если первое лицо не может его внести; 2) дополнительная ответственность, возлагаемая, напр., на членов полного товарищества, в условиях, когда основной ответчик не способен оплатить долг. WK. Contributory liability is rooted in the tort theory of enterprise liability. Contributory liability holds the third party liable for the primary act based on the third party's relationship with the actual harm – either by enabling or by benefiting from it. wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
law косвенная ответственность (Contributory liability or contributory infringement has been widely defined as a form of liability on the part of someone who is not directly infringing but nevertheless is making contributions to the infringing acts of others. Material contributions to the act (or enabling thereof), as well as knowledge of the act itself, are key elements of contributory liability. Additionally, in the course of performing such material contributions, the parties know that they are materially infringing copyrighted content. Wiki Alexander Demidov)