
Entries reported by user kriemhild
eng rus 28.06.2023 elk лось "We had six wolves die in Yellowstone, five by elk, and one by a moose." BBC's Wolf Pack. Apparently, American biologists treat elk and moose as two different species.
eng rus 28.06.2023 elk лось лось (Alces alces) - moose; elk (Cervus canadensis) - всё же вапити, близок маралу (Cervus elaphus sibiricus, по-английски Altai wapiti; Altai elk)
eng rus 11.04.2023 egregious яркий only about bad things, at least in today's English; Merriam-Webster defines egregious as "conspicuously bad": https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/egregious
eng rus 26.01.2023 half-sibling сводный родственник строго говоря, сводный - не имеющий ни одного общего родителя; для half, т.е. имеющий одного общего родителя, есть термины "неполнородный" (брат/сестра), "единокровный" (от отцу), "единоутробный" - по матери
eng rus 27.06.2022 detention facilitie­s места принудительно­го содержания in most cases, this is sufficient, but in some contexts, particularly when dealing with Russia's legislation and human rights, this term includes psychiatric institutions (see 76-FZ Article 2: (a long list of detention/imprisonment facilities followed by) "лица, к которым применены принудительные меры медицинского характера; лица, госпитализированные в медицинскую организацию, оказывающую психиатрическую помощь в стационарных условиях, в недобровольном порядке или направленные на психиатрическое освидетельствование в недобровольном порядке"; in such cases, it would probably make sense to say "detention facilities and compulsory treatment facilities" or something to this effect
eng rus 11.11.2020 have a flair for s­omething иметь нюх на it rather means "to have a talent for doing something": She has a flair for painting.
eng rus 1.11.2020 thing-becoming становление I think it is used exclusively in philosophy, especially in translating/discussing German philosophy. For instance: https://campuspress.yale.edu/modernismlab/oswald-spengler/ This link takes you to a Yale-published article that mentions both "thing-becoming" and "thing-become"
eng rus 22.01.2020 chop shop "пустышка", фирма с­озданная с целью мош­енничества и незакон­ных операций it's a garage that disassembles stolen cars and sells the parts
eng rus 18.10.2019 gusy-gusy яркий актёр what does it mean? Certainly not what it claims
eng rus 7.09.2019 allocution обращение although some dictionaries define it as a "formal address," it is mostly used to mean a defendant's speech confessing to the crime or asking for leniency
eng rus 1.01.2013 tribute подать Tribute - это, скорее, дань. From Merriam-Webster: a payment by one ruler or nation to another in acknowledgment of submission or as the price of protection; also : the tax levied for such a payment; (1) : an excessive tax, rental, or tariff imposed by a government, sovereign, lord, or landlord (2) : an exorbitant charge levied by a person or group having the power of coercion