
Terms for subject Information security and data protection containing incident | all forms | exact matches only
computer incidentкомпьютерный инцидент (The Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC) was the original computer security incident response team at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It was jointly sponsored by the DOE Office of the CIO and the Air Force. The primary function of CIAC was to advise people of computer incidents. Primarily this means security vulnerabilities, virus and hoax alerts and similar information security concerns. CIAC was a founding member of GFIRST, the Government Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams and FIRST, an international incident response and security organization. CIAC published incident reports and bulletins up until it was officially renamed the DOE Cyber Incident Response Capability (DOE-CIRC). Alex_Odeychuk)
incident responseреакция на событие
incident responseреагирование на инциденты (sega_tarasov)
information security incidentкритическое событие информационной безопасности (Alex_Odeychuk)
National Computer Incident Response and Coordination Center NCIRCCНациональный координационный центр по компьютерным инцидентам НКЦКИ (gov.ru Olga_Tyn)
security incident response and managementреагирование и управление инцидентами безопасности (the process of identifying, investigating, containing, and resolving security incidents or breaches in a systematic and timely manner. It involves coordinating resources, developing action plans, and implementing effective strategies to mitigate the impact of security threats and restore normal operations within an organization Alex_Odeychuk)