
Terms for subject Religion containing John | all forms | exact matches only
Acts of Johnапокриф "Деяния Иоанна" (One of the apocryphal works with semi-Gnostic traits devoted to John)
Beheading of St. John the BaptistУсекновение главы Пророка, Предтечи и Крестителя Господня Иоанна
Beheading of St. John the BaptistПамять Страстей св. Иоанна Крестителя (Celebrated by Christians on August 29)
Beheading of St. John the BaptistУсекновение главы Иоанна Предтечи
beheading St. John the Baptistусекновение главы Иоанна Крестителя
Christians of Saint Johnмандеи
Christians of Saint Johnназореи
Christians of Saint Johnхристиане св. Иоанна
Christians of Saint Johnкрестильники
Finding of the Head of John the BaptistОбретение Главы Предтечи и Крестителя Господня Иоанна
First Epistle of JohnПервое послание Иоанна
First Epistle of JohnПервое соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова (The first of the three New Testament writings, all composed sometime around AD 100 and traditionally attributed to John the Evangelist, son of Zebedee and disciple of Jesus)
Gospel according to St. JohnЕвангелие от Иоанна (Fourth of the four New Testament narratives recounting the life and death of Jesus Christ, and the only one of the four not considered among the Synoptic Gospels)
Gospel according to St. JohnОт Иоанна святое благовествование
I JohnПервое послание Иоанна
II JohnВторое послание Иоанна
III JohnТретье послание Иоанна
John BoanergesИоанн Воанергес (Воанергес ("сыновья грома"), прозвище, данное Иисусом сыновьям Зеведея – Иоанну и Иакову (Мк 3:17) Lena Nolte)
John CalvinЖан Кальвин
John ChrysostomИоанн Златоуст
John ChrysostomusИоанн Златоуст (Early Church Father, biblical interpreter, and archbishop of Constantinople)
John DamasceneИоанн Дамаскин
John HusЯн Гус
John Markапостол от Семидесяти
John MarkМарк Иоанн Евангелист
John of AntiochИоанн III Схоластик
John of AntiochИоанн Антиохийский
John of KronshtadtИоанн Кронштадтский (1829-1909, Russian Orthodox priest-ascetic)
John of KronstadtИоанн Кронштадтский
John of the Ladderпреподобный Иоанн Лествичник (Byzantine monk and author of "The Ladder of Divine Ascent", a handbook on the ascetical and mystical life)
John PaulИоанн Павел II (Pope from 1978, the first non-Italian Pope in 456 years)
John PaulИоанн Павел I (Pope whose 34-day pontificate in 1978 was the shortest in modern times)
John ScholasticusИоанн III Схоластик
John ScholasticusИоанн Антиохийский
John the BaptistИоанн Предтеча
john the baptistИоанн Креститель
John the Climacusпреподобный Иоанн Лествичник
John the EvangelistИоанн Богослов (e.p.80)
John the FasterИоанн IV Постник (Patriarch of Constantinople - as John IV - and mediator of theological disputes between the Orthodox and Monophysites)
John the ForerunnerИоанн Предтеча
John XI BecchusИоанн XI Векк (Greek Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople, 1275-82, and leading Byzantine proponent of reunion between the Greek and Roman churches)
John XIXИоанн XIX (or XX) (Pope from 1024 to 1032. Generally considered inept as Pope because of his greed, John consented to be paid for recognizing the patriarch of Constantinople; XX)
John XVИоанн XV (or XVI) (Pope from 985 to 996, who carried out the first solemn canonization in history by papal decree; XVI)
John XVIИоанн XVI (or XVII) (Antipope from 997 to 998. After having been blinded and mutilated, he was either imprisoned or confined to a monastery; XVII)
John XVII or XVIII Pope from June to December 1003. He was merely a puppet of the Crescentii, then the most influential family in RomeИоанн XVII (XVIII)
John XVIIIИоанн XVIII (or XIX) (Pope from 1004 to 1009. More independent of the powerful Italian Crescentii family than John XVII, he eventually abdicated and died shortly thereafter at the Abbey of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome; XIX)
Knights Hospitaller of St. John of JerusalemРыцари св. Иоанна Иерусалимского
Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalemрыцари-госпитальеры
Letters of John'Второе соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова' и "Третье соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова"
Letters of JohnПервое соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова (Three New Testament writings, all composed sometime around AD 100 and traditionally attributed to John the Evangelist, son of Zebedee and disciple of Jesus)
Second Epistle of JohnВторое послание Иоанна
Second Epistle of JohnВторое соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова (The second of the three New Testament writings, all composed sometime around AD 100 and traditionally attributed to John the Evangelist, son of Zebedee and disciple of Jesus)
St. John DamasceneИоанн Дамаскин
St. John LateranЛатеранский кафедральный собор св. Иоанна (The cathedral church of Rome, "Mother and Head of all Churches")
St John the BaptistИоанн Креститель (julik0102)
St. John the EvangelistИоанн Богослов (alex)
Sunday of St. John of the LadderНеделя памяти преподобного Иоанна Лествичника (In the Russian Orthodox Church, 4th Sunday of the Lent)
the Revelation of St. John the DivineОткровение святого Иоанна Богослова (завершающая книга Нового Завета; источник многочисленных изобразит. сюжетов)
Third Epistle of JohnТретье послание Иоанна
Third Epistle of JohnТретье соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова (The third of the three New Testament writings, all composed sometime around AD 100 and traditionally attributed to John the Evangelist, son of Zebedee and disciple of Jesus)