
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing Law | all forms | exact matches only
be at law withвести тяжбу
be at law withпотягаться (pf of тягаться)
be at lawтягаться (with Taras)
be at lawвести тяжбу (with)
be at lawпотягаться (with)
graduate of a law schoolправовед
graduate of law schoolправовед
his father intended him for the lawотец прочил его в юристы
husband's sister-in-lawятровь (MichaelBurov)
husband's sister-in-lawятровка (MichaelBurov)
in-lawсвойственник (a relative by marriage or through affinity 4uzhoj)
law confrontationочная ставка
law-handкрупный чёткий почерк
law-loving personправолюб
lay down the lawпорядить
lay down the lawрядить (impf of порядить)
not provided for by lawнеуказный
sister in-lawбыть единокровной
sister in-lawбыть близкой
sister in-lawблизко походить
sister-in-law wife's sisterсвоячина (= свояченица)
specialist in public lawпублицистка
specialist in public lawпублицист
student of a law schoolправовед
student of law schoolправовед