
Terms for subject Microsoft containing решением | all forms
акселератор решенийsolution accelerator (A resource that provides free tested guidance, best practices, and automated tools to help IT professionals and partners plan, deliver, operate and manage industry-standard IT solutions)
акселератор решений для распространителейDistributor Solution Accelerator (vlad-and-slav)
архитектор решенияsolution architect (stachel)
вертикальное решениеvertical solution (An add-on software solution that complements the functionality of a product and that focuses on industry-specific needs)
Включение многопроцессорного MSBuid для параллельного построения проектов решения, если это возможно, с помощью всех процессоров сервера построенияEnable MSBuid Multi-proc to build your solutions' projects in parallel, when possible, using all available processors on the build server (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
горизонтальное решениеhorizontal solution (An add-on software solution that complements the functionality of a product and that focuses on specific business processes)
дерево принятия решенийdecision tree (A treelike model of data produced by certain data mining methods. Decision trees can be used for prediction)
издатель решенияsolution publisher (A partner, such as an ISV, who develops solutions on top of a software platform)
изолированное решениеsandboxed solution (A custom solution that can be deployed to a site by a site collection administrator, without approval from the farm administrator. Without that approval, the solution has full access to the immediate site and restricted access to system resources and other sites)
интеллектуальное клиентское решениеsmart client solution (microsoft.com bojana)
коллекция решений для семейств веб-сайтовsite collection solution gallery (A capability that enables site collection administrators to manage and add new solutions to their site collections. Rori)
компонент решенияsolution component (A part of a solution that someone extending CRM can use to achieve specific functionality)
концепция решенияsolution concept (ssn)
лицо, принимающее решенияdecision maker (A person who is responsible for the administration of a business)
мастер упаковки решенийPackage Solution Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through the process of bundling and deploying Microsoft Access database applications)
незащищённое решениеunprotected solution (" A solution that is "open" and that can be modified by anybody with the required privileges. ")
обозреватель решенийSolution Explorer (microsoft.com bojana)
обоснованное решениеinformed decision (A decision made with up-to-date information)
пакет решенияsolution package (A compressed file that can be deployed to a server farm or a site. It can contain assemblies, resource files, site and feature definitions, templates, code access security policies, and Web Parts)
пакеты пользовательских решенийUser Solution Packaging (An approach that packages together all content deployable to SharePoint – list templates, list instance, site template, files and declarative workflows)
перед дальнейшим внесением изменений необходимо закрыть и заново открыть решениеyou should close and reopen the solution before making further changes (Visual Studio 2013)
поддержка принятия решенийdecision support (Systems designed to support the complex analytic analysis required to discover business trends)
подсистема принятия решенийdecision engine (Software or service able to process a large amount of data and provide reports that help users make more informed decisions)
поставщик облачных решенийCloud Solution Provider (The Microsoft program that allows external partners to sell, set up, and manage Office 365 accounts for small businesses, as well as set their own terms. Rori)
поставщик решений по организации совместной работыcollaboration service provider (A company which provides online collaboration services (sharepoint sites, message boards, etc) to businesses or organizations)
развёртывание решения BCSBCS solution deployment (BCS server to client solution deployment that is based on ClickOnce technology)
репозиторий решенияsolution repository (A deployment-wide container of solutions that can be deployed in multiple organizations)
репозиторий решения в системе контроля версийversion-controlled item (Alex_Odeychuk)
решение для бизнес-анализаbusiness intelligence solution (ptraci)
решение для облачных вычисленийcompute solution (Alex_Odeychuk)
решение для платформы облачных вычисленийcompute solution (Alex_Odeychuk)
решение для платформы облачных вычислений AzureAzure solution (Alex_Odeychuk)
решение для платформы облачных вычислений AzureAzure compute solution (Alex_Odeychuk)
решение по умолчаниюdefault solution (" A "catch-all" solution that contains a reference to all unprotected components.")
решение по управлению крупными проектамиenterprise project management (The generic field of organizational development that supports organizations in managing in an integrated fashion and adapting to changes)
Решение, подлежащее сборке, упаковке и развёртываниюthe solution to build, package and deploy (Visual Studio 2013)
решение BCS с поддержкой SharePointSharePoint Enabled BCS Solution (A package containing a set of external lists for offlining, along with associated business data actions and task panes)
Решения для восстановленияRecovery Solutions (Операционных систем galunik)
решения по работе с даннымиdata solutions (stachel)
решения проблемSolutions to Problems
родительское решениеparent solution (A solution to which a component belongs to. A component can have only one parent solution)
тестирование и развёртывание решенияTesting and Deployment (Smantha)
управление изолированными решениямиSandboxed Solution Management (Office System 2010 Rori)
управляемое решениеmanaged solution (A complete solution that has been packaged. After this solution has been installed, the extent to which it can be modified is specified by the publisher)
Центр решений Центра обновления МайкрософтMicrosoft Update Solution Center (A Web site from Microsoft which provides solutions for the top issues about Windows Update or Microsoft Update, and enables you to contact a support professional)
частичное решениеpartial solution (A solution that contains only selected components. For example, if a user decides to export only a subset of components (for example, some but not all entities), the solution is considered to be partial)
элемент принятия решенияdecision element (ssn)
элемент принятия решения workflow-процессаworkflow decision element (A guard condition that controls the logical branching of task sequences within a workflow process. A workflow decision can be made by a user or by an automation rule)