
Terms for subject General containing легальное | all forms
легальная законная деятельностьlegwork (Interex)
легальные наркотикиlegal highs (tania_mouse)
нелегальные пути заработатьillegal hustles (TatEsp)
легальный рынокwhite market (напр.: "Белый рынок – это совсем другой тип легального рынка" ... пример взят из: А.Канцеленбоген "Разноцветные рынки в Советском Союзе", ж. "Soviet Studies", январь 1977г.)
легальным путёмlawfully (Johnny Bravo)
легальным способомlawfully (Johnny Bravo)
проводить нелегальные доходы через отчётность легально существующихlaunder
проводить нелегальные доходы через отчётность легально существующих предприятийlaunder
ребёнок, обеспечивающий статус "легальных иммигрантов" своим родителямanchor baby (used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency. : Anchor baby is a term (regarded by some as a pejorative) used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country that has birthright citizenship which will therefore help the mother and other family members gain legal residency. In the U.S., the term is generally used as a derogatory reference to the supposed role of the child, who automatically qualifies as an American citizen under jus soli and the rights guaranteed in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The term is also often used in the context of the debate over illegal immigration to the United States. A similar term, "passport baby", has been used in Canada for children born through so-called "maternity" or "birth tourism". wikipedia.org bigmaxus)