
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Цикл | all forms | exact matches only
бесконечный циклinfinite loop (A loop that, because of semantic or logic errors, can never terminate through normal means)
Блочный циклBlock Cycle (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the stages or steps rather than the connecting arrows or flow)
время производственного циклаproduction lead time (The lead time required to produce an item, starting from the time the order is released to production until the item is moved to inventory)
время циклаcycle time (The time taken to complete an activity)
дата начала циклаcycle start date (The defined beginning of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
длительность циклаloop duration (The number of times that a portion of an animation storyboard is repeated)
жизненный цикл объектаobject lifeline (In a sequence diagram, a representation of the existence of an object at a particular time. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point)
жизненный цикл приложенияapplication life cycle (The stages an application used in an organization goes through: deployable, installable, executable, and executing)
жизненный цикл разработки базы данныхdatabase development life cycle (A structured process that is imposed upon the development of the database portion of an application. It is essentially a subset of the software development life cycle that is specific to one or more databases in an application)
жизненный цикл удостоверенийidentity life cycle (The stages an identity goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is destroyed. Rori)
конечная дата циклаcycle end date (The defined end of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon. Rori)
модель жизненного циклаlife cycle model (A partitioning of the life of a product into phases that guide the project from identifying customer needs through product retirement)
начальная дата циклаcycle start date (The beginning date of the active period on which the variable compensation award is based)
Ненаправленный циклNondirectional Cycle (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Each shape has the same level of importance. Works well when direction does not need to be indicated)
Непрерывный циклContinuous Cycle (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the connection between all components. Works best with Level 1 text only)
определение циклаcycle definition (Essentially, a template used to create cycle instances. Any edits to the cycle definition are applied to every subsequently-created cycle instance that is based on that cycle definition)
отслеживание жизненного цикла продуктаProduct Evaluation Post Launch (A template that will walk you through key areas of evaluating a product's performance after it has been placed in the marketplace)
период бюджетного циклаbudget cycle time span (A time period specified as a number of fiscal calendar periods. The budget period can be different from the accounting period)
производственный циклconversion cycle (A recurring set of production and logistics activities performed by parties that manufacture or distribute items)
Разнонаправленный циклMultidirectional Cycle (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events that can occur in any direction)
Сегментированный циклSegmented Cycle (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or a sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the interconnected pieces. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text corresponds to a wedge or pie shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
снимок жизненного циклаlifestyle snapshot (A documented day in the life of a persona. A lifestyle snapshot is created by a business analyst through interactions with the users)
состояние циклаcycle state (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
Текстовый циклText Cycle (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the arrows or flow rather than the stages or steps. Works best with Level 1 text only)
управление жизненным циклом продуктовproduct lifecycle management (stachel)
управление жизненным циклом процессаProcess Lifetime Management (An operating system process that closes apps that are not foreground apps to conserve system resources, enhance battery life, and remove the burden of app management, task management, or both, from the user. When the user switches back or re-launches the app, the app starts right where it left off)
цикл оплатыpay run (A periodic processing of the payroll)
цикл получения доходовrevenue cycle (A recurring set of sales, fulfillment, payment, and transfer activities controlled by one or more parties that participate in exchange and nonexchange transactions)
цикл разработкиdevelopment cycle (The process of application development from definition of requirements to finished product, including the following stages: analysis, design and prototyping, software coding and testing, and implementation)
цикл расходовexpenditure cycle (A recurring set of procurement, receipt, payment, and transfer activities controlled by one or more parties that participate in exchange and nonexchange transactions)
цикл сборкиbuild cycle (A part of the internal release cycle. It is the process of adding features, creating test cases for each, stabilizing each feature before building new features, and then releasing for evaluation)
цикл со счётчикомcounting loop (In a program, a group of statements that are repeated, thereby incrementing a variable used as a counter (for example, a program might repeat a counting loop that adds 1 to its counter until the counter equals 10))
цикл управления человеческим капиталомhuman capital management cycle (A recurring set of recruitment, hiring, training, compensation, and performance evaluation activities performed by parties that compensate employees and contractors in exchange for services)
цикл учётаaccounting cycle (A recurring set of documenting, journalizing, balancing, and statement preparation activities performed by parties that report on and analyze the financial position and performance of accounting entities)
цикл шести сигмSix Sigma DMAIC Cycle (A template that outlines the phases, key activities and deliverables of the standard Six Sigma life cycle; ОИАСК)
экземпляр циклаcycle instance (A specific occurrence of a cycle definition)